Porch-Sittin’ Wine!

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2012 Sineann Pinot Gris

As muggy, humid August sets in we’re all looking for relief and what better than a crisp, refreshing glass of Oregon Pinot Gris?

“Sourced from Dick and Christie Reed’s holdings in the shadow of Mount Hood, Rosback’s 2011 Pinot Gris Wy’East is effusively fruity, its brown spice-tinged peach and pineapple inhabiting a silken-textured, buoyant, and refreshing palate. Hints of fruit pit, toasted nuts, citrus rind, pineapple core, and salt add piquant invigoration and saliva-inducement to a lusciously lingering, infectiously juicy finish.” ~ Wine Advocate

Peter Rosback began home-winemaking more than a quarter century ago, and in 1994 launched Sineann with partner David O’Reilly, who subsequently left to start up his own winery, Owen Roe. In 2001, Rosback quit his job as an engineer to make wine full-time. Few Northwestern U.S. wineries bottle such a wide range of styles from such far-flung vineyards to say nothing of his frequency of success in any one of them and his exceptional results with diverse whites. He even renders Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough, New Zealand. His Pinot Gris is elegant and delightfully refreshing, perfect for the lazy last days of summer!

$22.99 per bottle

10% discount on a case